
Կը նշանակէ վառել, հրկիզել, կրակ տալ:

Բառին արմատը «այր» է որ կը նշանակէ կրակ:

Ագաթանգեղոսի եւ Եզնիկի մօտ կը գտնենք այրելի, այրուք, այրումն բառերը որոնք կրակի նշանակութեամբ գործածուած են:

Երկու ձեւով կարելի է ստուգաբանել ՀՐԱՅՐ յատուկ անունը՝ կրակոտ մարդ (այր կը նշանակէ նաեւ տղամարդ), եւ կրարէ բոց:

Երկու իմաստներն ալ վաւերական են:

Այրել բայը գործածուած է նաեւ փոխաբերական իմաստներով՝ մարգարէութեան մէջ գրուած է,

«Գինին զինք կ’այրէ» (Ես. 5:11), սիրտս այրեցաւ (մորմոքեցաւ), մուրհակը այրեց (ջնջեց) …

Բառասկիզբը, հայկական «հ» եւ «զ» տառերը, երբ բառերու առջեւ կը դրուին, աճական իմաստ կ’ունենան (տեսնել այս գիրքին Յաւելուած Ա.ը):

Այսպէս, օրինակի համար

. Սպել (ըսել) – զսպել,

. Արգ – զարգանալ,

. Այրանալ – զայրանալ որուն ծագումը այր բառն է, որ կը նշանակէ ջղայնութենէն (կրակի նման) տաքանալ:  


The Armenian language is part of Indo-European family. I have a problem with that classification. The term Indo-European is created by a French etymologist in the 1860s.The name EUROPA did not exist 5,000 years ago. Armenian is the cradle of civilization. So, the so called European languages were born in the Caucasus and their origins are in the Armenian Highlands. The relationship between Latin, Greek and their European branches are to be found in the Armenian language and not vice versa.

Few example:

a) In Armenian the word to sit down is Pazmil (for humans) and Nsdeel is for non human beings, such as animals, or objects. I.e. Noah’s ark “Sat Down” which is “Nsdav” on the Mountain of Ararat, or the bird “Geh Nsdi” means the bird sits. The English word Nest comes from the Armenian root word of Nesd which is used as “Nsdi”.

b) The English word SHRED comes from Armenian SHERD (to cut to pieces).

c) The English word Angle comes from the Armenian word Ang (Which means deviate). Some examples:

  • Ang-yun – Means corner (Deviated angle)
  • Ang-oghin – Means the place of bending your side (Angling your flank) which you do at a bed.


1- AghSalt in Armenian

Agh means salt in Armenian. It also means “Blessing”, this is why the Armenian priest blesses the bread and the salt twice a year.

The word “Salt” or “Agh” is used to mean more than just salt. For example:

  • Agh, (Salt – Blassing)
  • Agh-vor, (Nice Also means full of blessings)
  • Agh-eg,  (Nice also means full of blessing)
  • Agh-pyuir (Fountain also thousands of blessings)

These words don’t only mean beautiful, but they also mean full of blessings.

2- Right & Left Hand

In the bible the blessings were done with God’s right hand, which is “Ach” in Armenian. So Ach or Right, was associated with good. or success. Example:

  • H-Ach-oghil – To become successful (Root is “Ach” which means right hand)

On the other hand the negative things were associated with the word “Tzakh” which means Left in Armenian. Example:

  • Tzakh-oghil – To fail or to be unsuccessful (Root is Tzakh which means Left Hand)




Many Armenian words have a “background picture” illustrating the idea of the word. Examples:

1) bhad                   (պատ)                   means wall

a+badh              (ա + պատ)            means to dwell in  a place with no wall (oasis, field). The English verb TO ABIDE comes from this  word.

an + a + badh   (ան + ա + պատ)  means a place without wall and useless for habitation(desert)

so, in Armenian, anabhad is desert.

2) In ancient Armenia, AR is the sun and is the name for God .

AR + AR is the perfect tense of the verb to do which means the SUN that created the sun.

AR+ AR + AD (suffix for place),  means  the place where the SUN GOD created the sun. This  is the root of the name of Ararat

AR + AR + ITCH (suffix for doer), means Creator.

TurkeyRecognized Genocide

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Every time they come across historical documents, witnesses, and reports which expose the crimes of the Ottomans, they label these reports and their authors with unprofessional words.

With this approach, U.S. Ambassador Morgenthau becomes a biased politician; Lepsius is considered a foreign spy; Naim Bey is viewed as a lunatic author in his “”Memoirs””; Paul de Veou’s analysis is pure allegation; and eyewitness’ reports and statements have to be considered fake, fantasy and fairy tale.

In the works of the above mentioned scholars I did not encounter any word from Turkish newspapers of that time. Whenever a Turkish or Ottoman newspaper tried to criticize the Ottoman regime, the above mentioned scholars labeled as follows:

  • “”LE BOSPHORE”” was published by the occupying authorities in the Ottoman Capital to further Armenian interest””,  or
  • “”RENAISSANCE”” was a French language paper…serving the same interests…””

What about WAKIT, ALEMDAR, SABAH, ME§VERET, IKDAM, AK§AM, ILERI, and many other Turkish newspapers? Their number exceeds one hundred! Were their reports and analyses biased, fake, allegations, debatable or lies too?I dedicate this book to the above mentioned Turkish scholars to find the truth in the Ottoman newspapers.” – John Ahmaranian

Abraham the Hurrian would become Abraham the Hebrew. A specific mission was attached to this change of name…
Abraham Was HurrianBuy Now
The Bible mentions different places, excluding the land of the Hurrians, that would be given to Abraham as a promised land. Abraham would go to Canaan as a Hurrian, would present his wife to the Pharaoh of Egypt as his sister, according to Hurrian custom, would live in the promised land as a Hurrian, would be happy having a Hurrian daughter in-law and a granddaughter-in-law, and would be excited to see that a ram, a symbol of Hurrian vitality and greatness, would be offered to God instead of his beloved Isaac…
When Abraham left ARland, he never came back. He said “good bye” to his home, his homeland, his broth¬ers, his extended family, and the graveyard of his father. He was not allowed anymore to be attached to any fortune, memory or glory, because “??” (The One Who Is), The One Who called him for the new divine adventure, will tell him :Extract from Part II, Chapter 2, p. 111