About Dr. Ahmaranian



Place of Birth:                Beirut, Lebanon
Website:                         www.Ahmaranian.com

B.A. in Theology                     Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, 1971
M.A. in Philosophy                 Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy, 1968
Ph.D. in Middle Eastern History    National Academy of Armenia, 2005
Diploma in Armenian Studies Mekhitarist Academy, Venice, Italy
Certificate in Translation                  Mashdots College, Pasadena

Speaks, writes and teaches Armenian, Arabic, French, Italian and English

A- EXPERIENCE (in Teaching) Full Time

2009-2011                               Armenian Evangelical Academy of Armenia, Provost
2006-2007                               Holy See of Etchmiadzin (Kevorkian Academy), Professor
1983-2006                               Armenian Bible College (Emmanuel Bible College), Pasadena, CA

Professor of History, Armenian Language, Philosophy,
Comparative Religions, Church History, Biblical Studies
1982                                        Mesrobian High School, Montebello, CA

Armenian Language, Armenian History, 4th, 7th, 8th Grades
1982-1985                               Sahag Mesrob Armenian Christian School, Pasadena, CA

Armenian Language, Armenian History, 4th, 5th, 6th Grades
1985-1990                               Alfred and Margaret Hovsepian School, Pasadena, CA

Armenian Language, Armenian History, Religion, 5th. 6th Grades
Acting Administrator (1986-1990)
1991                                        Pasadena High School, Pasadena, CA

Armenian Language, Armenian Culture, 10th, 11th, 12th Grades
2006-2007                               Sahag Mesrob High School, Pasadena, CA

Armenian Language, Armenian History, 8th-12th Grades
2007-2008                               University of Holy Etchmiadzin, Armenia

Professor of Biblical Studies (BA and MA Candidates)
2008-2009                               Sahag Mesrob High School, Pasadena, CA

Armenian Language, Armenian History, 7th, 8th, 11th-12th Grades


 B- EXPERIENCE (in Teaching) Part Time

1) BERLITZ International School for Languages                                                 1989-1998
Armenian, Arabic, French, Italian, Instructor

2) BERLITZ International School for Languages                                                 1989-1998
Test Evaluation for Armenian, Arabic (University of Phoenix)                                         Since 2001

3) US MARINES CORPS, Camp Pendleton, CA                                                          2004-2005
Combat Arabic and History of Iraq

4) ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC SEMINARY FOR DEACONS, Burbank, CA               2004-2005
Biblical Studies

5) HOLY SEE OF ECHMIYADZIN                                                                    2007

6) ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL ACADEMY (Armenia)                                  2010-2011

C- EXPERIENCE (in Translation) Part Time
1) WALT DISNEY                                                                                             1991-1993
Translation and Review, Sing Along (French and Italian versions)         

Arabic Translation and Subtitling American and International Movies (193 movies)         1990-2006

3) EAST WEST TRANSLATION, LA                                                               1987-1999
Armenian Interpretation for the Departments of Social Security, Welfare,
Unemployment, Labor Commissioner’s Service

4) LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (LAUSD) (part Time)                 since 1994
Interpretation and Translation (Armenian, Arabic)

5) PASADENA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (PUSD) (part Time)                         since 1994
Interpretation and Translation (Armenian)    


1) RADIO VATICANA, Rome, Italy                                                                           1968-1971
Radio Broadcaster

2) BEIRUT TIMES (Arabic weekly, LA)                                                            since 1986
Political Columnist

3) NOR HAYASTAN (Armenian Daily)                                                             since 1993

4) DIFFERENT ARMENIAN TV PROGRAMS                                                          Since 1992
Commentator and Lecturer

5) UCLA, Lecturer in a Seminar dedicated to The Creation of the Armenian Alphabet              2005

From PRESIDENT SADAT OF EGYPT, for the Book “Muslim-Christian Dialogue”                 1980

From ARMENIAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, LA “Teacher of the Year”                                1986

From LEVANT EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, LA “Arab Journalist of the Year”             2000

From THE LEBANESE WORLD CULTURAL ASSOCIATION                                                  2004

The Lebanese Journalist of the Year

(In Arabic)

*    Is There Life after Death?                                                                                          1975
*    Lord, Who Am I? Who Are You?                                                                              1977
*    The Armenians (sold out)                                                                                           1978
*    The World Needs You                                                                                                1979
*    The Christian-Muslim Dialogue (sold out)                                                                 1980

(In French)
*    Three Dramas                                                                                                              1979

(In Armenian)
*    The Bible among the Armenians                                                                                 1978
*    Three Dramas                                                                                                              1990
*    Life is Beautiful                                                                                                          1994
*    Markar in Los Angeles (Satire)                                                                                   1994
*    The Gospel of the Armenians                                                                                     2001
*    CHRIST, the Way I knew Him                                                                                  2001
*    Islam, Yesterday and Today                                                                                       2007

(In English)

*    An Answer to Turkish Denials, Vol. I                                                                        1989
*    The Hurro-Armenian Origin of Abraham (Doctoral Theses)                                      2004
*    Turkey has Recognized the Armenian Genocide (1895-1923)                                   2010

(In Arabic)

*    The Christian Arabs and Their Contribution                                                              2007

(In Armenian)

*    The Armenian Plateau and Canaan in the Second Millennium B.C.                          2004
*    Abraham’s Canaan and Armenia                                                                                2005